Caring for the Forever Yours Lingerie Community
Forever Yours Lingerie highly values the health of its customers and staff. We don’t want to buy into panic, but the World Health Organization has now declared the Covid-19 virus a Pandemic. Right now it's business as usual, however, we are in uncharted waters and the situation is ever-changing on an hourly basis. We wanted to share some of the steps we’re taking to keep our shop safe during this rapidly-evolving health situation.
What We Are Doing
1) While we have always thoroughly cleaned the shop daily, we are now cleaning areas like our front door, fitting rooms, powder room, kids area, waiting area and check-out counter areas multiple times a day with the disinfectant.- Bathroom: Every 2 hours which includes all fixtures, counters, toilet handle, door handle and the door itself
- Fitting Rooms: Sanitizing before and after each fitting
- Check-Out Counter: Sanitized every hour
Our fitters are washing hands thoroughly before each fitting, as well as sanitizing the fitting room after each client.
2) The fitting process will be less ‘hands on’ until the containment of the virus is under control.
3) FYL also has EPA approved 70% alcohol hand sanitizer gel available for use by staff and customers in several parts of the shop. We are currently working on sourcing single-use hand sanitizer wipes for customer and staff use. We have requested that staff wash their hands & sanitize often.
4) FYL has also instructed staff to stay at home if they exhibit any flu or cold-like symptoms and not to return to work until they are symptom free.
5) FYL will request that customers stay home if they exhibit any flu, cold-like symptoms or fever.
6) If you’re not wanting to shop in store, our website is there to serve you as well. We also have a live chat option to help you more accurately choose the correct items for you. Or alternately, you can call us and one of our fitters is happy to help walk you through finding the perfect items for you.
What You Can Do
1) Practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently. Cover your nose and mouth if you cough or sneeze. Use hand sanitizer. And stay home if you are sick.
2) Stay informed and keep up with changes as they develop.
We are a community of lingerie loving friends! We love our staff and customers and value your patronage more than we can say.
For now, it's business as usual at Forever Yours Lingerie. I (Sonya) personally want to say that the way things are going right now, many small businesses worldwide are going to be traversing really difficult terrain in the next few months and some won’t survive. The big box stores will be fine after this, but it is going to be so important that our local neighbors and friends spend their money wisely in the next few months and support their neighborhood businesses. This is not about ‘shop local’, it’s about survival of small business in your neighborhood.
Please support your local communities and economy during this time. Above all, wishing you and your family continued health during this crisis.
We are working to take the steps necessary to keep everyone safe and accommodate everyone's needs. If you have further questions about COVID-19, please refer to the CDC's website at https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html